
Child, I remember you.
I could tell it was you by
the trace of an old smile
that once lived here�.
Dimpling your cheeks,
raising itself up and taking
mine with it.

I am unfamiliar with this scowl.
Why the creases in your forehead
and the twist in your mouth?
I don�t think I know this side of
you�..could it be that you are
growing up? Life has finally stolen
your bliss. Look at me, don�t you
understand all you have to live for?
We can�t fix your head or soothe your
heart, but we are here, enough to live for.
You have a responsibility to make sure
we don�t have to deal with your relief.

Turn around my dear�try again. You�re
like us I promise. I for one know that
Your remind me more of someone everyday.
Who it is I just can�t place��.oh yes,
nevermind, She lost her smile years ago.
Here, take one of mine. I have many more faces
where that came from After all, it will all
work out if you just Be Yourself.

Tamara Alace Bustamante